TransVJ InternationalTransVJ InternationalTransVJ International

Dangerous Goods Hazardous Cargo

Dangerous Goods Hazardous Cargo

TRANSVJ provides expert Dangerous Goods Transportation solutions via land or water shipping. We assure that Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Cargo are transported with proper care and devotion. While handling Goods, that are volatile, flammable, and dangerous in nature, all guidelines and statutory formalities are rigorously followed.

We ensure that consumers receive the greatest services and that their needs are met. Our zero-error record is due to our extreme caution, safety, and security when handling sensitive material.

We possess a solid understanding of national and international rules, as well as technical skills in compliance with IMO standards, to guarantee safe passage and landing.

Our Protocol

When handling dangerous goods or hazardous cargo, TRANSVJ takes the following precautions:

Familiarizing with the material safety data sheets (MSDS) and the classification of the dangerous goods or hazardous cargo we are handling, including their properties and any potential hazards.
Ensure that we have updated staff with proper training in handling dangerous goods and hazardous cargo and understand the safety procedures that must be followed.
Use appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, safety glasses, and protective clothing, when handling dangerous goods and hazardous cargo.
Store dangerous goods and hazardous cargo in the proper containers and in designated storage areas, ensuring that they are labelled and stored in accordance with local, national, and international regulations.
Use caution when handling and transporting dangerous goods and hazardous cargo to avoid accidental spills, leaks, or other incidents that could pose a hazard to human health or the environment.
Be aware of the potential fire and explosion hazards associated with certain types of dangerous goods and hazardous cargo, and take appropriate precautions to prevent incidents.
Know the emergency response procedures in case of an accident, including how to evacuate the area and how to contact emergency services.
Continuously monitor the condition of containers and packaging to ensure that they are in good condition and free from damage or leaks.
Follow all regulations and guidelines for handling, transporting, and disposing of dangerous goods and hazardous cargo.
Regularly review and update your training and knowledge of the handling of dangerous goods and hazardous cargo to ensure that you are equipped to handle any potential hazards that may arise.

Our commitment to our ocean cargo customers is to consistently
provide the most extensive and comprehensive services in the industry.


  • 709, Neptune Edge, Sara Bhai Campus, Near Genda Circle, Vadodara – 390023
  • +91-26-5355-6044


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)